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News from the farm...

Every month we write a newsletter which we send to our regular dairy customers, as well as subscribers to our mailing list. To receive the newsletter in your inbox, please click here.

May 2022 Newsletter

I’ll try and keep it brief as someone mentioned it was a bank holiday(?) today. It’s been a bit of a good news/bad news month. The cows are doing well and producing plenty of milk. We’ve had some good rain showers and there’s an enormous amount of tall grass out there for them to munch on, which is a relief after a very dry April. With all the extra milk, we’ve been non-stop making ice cream to the point where we’ve almost run out of freezer space! The Stracciatella, Vanilla and Salted Honey flavours have been replenished, and we were grateful to pay a visit to Sandy Lane Farm in Tiddington to receive some organic mint from their holding which we have used to make Fresh Mint and Mint Chocolate Chip ice creams this week.

Sadly, our latest TB test wasn’t all clear. This weekend we’re saying our goodbyes to Snowdrop whose test result came back as inconclusive. She’s tested inconclusive twice in a row and the rules state that a cow must be culled when this happens. It’s very disappointing to see but she’ll be off on Sunday where she will enter the food chain for beef. Snowdrop has only been with us for six months as she was bought in from a dairy last December as a replacement for another cow we lost to TB testing.

Our egg supplier has raised the price of eggs due to the increasing costs of feed and fuel. From the beginning of June, the price of Eggs will go up by 10p to £2.20/box of 6.

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