The cows are inside during the night but still going outside in the daytime to graze. There’s not much grass left so they’ve only a couple more days of grazing to go before they’re in the barn permanently for the winter. Giving them a diet of silage at night and fresh pasture during the day has seen the milk yields pick up, and in an ideal world this would be a great way to manage their food for longer periods, but alas we are at the mercy of the elements. It’s getting very wet and too cold for any more rotations across the land, and the girls are very eager to come in once it gets late in the afternoon.
Margaret produced a male British blue calf last month, and it’s looking like Belinda will calf in a few days’ time. Once we can use Belinda’s milk hopefully we’ll have enough to start making ice cream again and we can finally get on with making some blackberry gelato.
The search for a suitable butcher maybe over. Hopefully we’ll have some fresh meat available this month; we’ll send an email for meat orders once we do.