Usually by the time the clocks go back the cows are settled inside the barn for the winter, but we’re pleased to see there’s still enough grass for them to stay outside during the daytime for the time being. There was some intense rainfall over the weekend (think we saw it raining sideways at one point!), and it’s getting quite muddy out there, so it’s quite feasible they’ll have to come in soon before it gets too wet.
Our youngest calves have already made it inside for the foreseeable, and with last night’s frost we think they’re much better placed in the barn with some snug straw, hay and warm milk, rather than being huddled together next to the hedgerows in the paddocks outside.
Florence really has been producing an impressive amount of milk since she calved in October, so much so that we were able to make some more ice cream at the start of the month. Rum & Raisin and Gelato di Caffe are once again in stock and available.